GRR Reviews He Said Together by Ruth Cardello

NOTE: Available on Kindle Unlimited as of review date. 

Kal and his twin Riley have very different views on life. Riley wanted to learn about the Corisis, but Antonio Corisi was the one who broke their mother's back, putting the fear into her for as long as they had lived. Kal on the other hand, refuse to trust anyone, but will do whatever it takes for his family, including becoming the premier exotic dancer in Vegas... // Jade thought she knew passion looked like, until she saw Kal's performance, as "Invio" on stage. But when she found out her fiancee had been cheating at that very moment, then her bridesmaids left her, drunk and wallet-less, at her own bachelorette party, she was saved by Kal / Invio, who encouraged her to seek out her own dreams instead of merely accepting what's in front of her. Some time later, Kal was suddenly financially free, and the only woman on his mind was Jade. But is Jade ready for him when he said forever? 

Very interesting emotional arc, as Kal's mistrust, or lack of faith, is making him fail his own connection to his own family, and his tendency to find a place to sulk and brood instead of talking was a part of his arc to come out of it. Jade's arc is transition from a rather... mousy girl who thought she just wanted a family to a woman who wanted the right man, in his right mind. 


GRR Reviews Moon Blooded Breeding Clinic by C M Nascosta

 NOTE: Available on Kindle Unlimited as of review time Sep 1, 2022

MBBC is a non-human/human romance, specifically, wolf-shifter / human romance from a slightly unexpected angle: fertility clinic. It is quite sweet, almost cloyingly so. 

Lowell Hemming, the only Hemming boy (of wolfshifter family) who left town in several generations, is forced back to town when a human pandemic shut down the world, ruining his career as a photojournalist. Living in his hometown as "one of those Hemmings boys" (6 in total) made his every action under scrutiny, and he literally has no one to f- as he had NO attachment to his hometown, having been away for far too long. Then a brochure offered him a potential way out... a fertility clinic alternative... // Moriah knew she may face difficulty conceiving from her non-human husband, but she never anticipated the problem lead to their divorce. Now with her own business thriving, she's free to get the one thing she wanted: a child. And Moon Blooded Breeding Clinic offers a very different solution... Be introduced to a wolf-shifter, get a shot to align the cycle and trigger a heat, and breed with a handsome werewolf before the full moon. It's cheaper than interspecies IVF, much more pleasant, and cheaper than adoption. 

But neither Lowell nor Moriah counted on catching feelings...

As I said, the story is cloyingly sweet... Lowell is the perfect gentleman, only slightly rougher in wolf-form. But there's just a HINT of ickyness as Moriah was under the hormones in the subsequent months where she really fell for Lowell.  One also questions how did Lowell account for lust vs. love, as he literally suffered months of blue balls before meeting Moriah. At least they had a good first meeting where she wasn't in heat and he just has blue balls (though they... well, went to a hotel to test their compatibility). 

The verbiage during the breeding sounds a bit porn-y, and we spent way too much time in Lowell's head, compared to be in Moriah's head. Seems Lowell painted himself into a corner of his own choosing, and his parents knew he had to "escape" in his own way, he just made escape literal instead of the way his brothers (including his twin brother) did in other ways. 

4/5 (rounded up from 3.5/5)


GRR Reviews The Barrington Billionaires Books 1-4 Collection by Ruth Cardello

The bundle is of 4 full-length novels and a novella. I may have previously reviewed some of the novels or novellas, but this rating is for the collection. 

The novella was previously reviewed in the anthology of the same name. 

As different members of the younger generation fall in love or met their match, they each have to deal with love and life in their own ways, but always with the support of their large and rich family, but not even love can buy happiness...

Consistent 4/5, worth reading at least. 

GRR Reviews The Marine's Baby, Maybe by Rogenna Brewer

Caitlin just wanted to have her late Marine husband's baby, but a mix-up at the sperm bank means her baby's father is actually her husband's half-brother. "Lucky" Luke had never been lucky in love or family, so the sperm sample he stored was out of formality. But now that he has a child, he can't leave his unborn child or the mother of the child behind...

Quite a bit of angst, obligation, and love comes much, much later. 3.5/5

GRR Reviews A Mother For Christmas by Jackie Weger

Single dad Decker and his 8-year-old daughter need to renovate a Victorian in 30 days (by Christmas) or he'll lose the house, but his decorator just ran off on a honeymoon. That left Annalise, the decorator's assistant, shouldering the workload. Annalise is always sad but seems competent in her job, and bonded with his daughter quickly. There may be a spark between the couple... THEN he learned the cause of her sadness... and why they bonded so quickly... 

The twist was practically advertised, but the author did the best to distract us with red herrings. It's a Christmas story, so some incredulity is expected. Not bad, but not one of the author's best efforts. 3.5/5

GRR Reviews He Said Never by Ruth Cardello

 Riley had been seeing her lost sibling's family behind her mother's back. She understood her mother's fear... The Corisis were ULTRA-rich, and Dominic's father almost put her mom in a wheelchair for life (and she still suffers today). Gavin was just trying to get some coffee when Riley got in his way. Riley was beautiful and full of sass, and there is an instant connection, but neither is ready to make a move... she's still sour from being stood up, and he's in an odd place... His father forced him out of the family company, and won't let him back in until he settles down with the right woman, probably because his father attended two funerals, and realized the family was the only thing that mattered, after raising his son alone. Yet the two would meet again, after finding out they are actually neighbors...

There is a couple of rom-com worthy moments where you will ROFL (Riley needs a little moral support to tell mommy that she'd been seeing the Corisis and the Romanos, and took Gavin along, but mommy inferred a completely different situation... ), and kudos to Ruch Cardello to write a very UNconventional "weird will" story where the MFC and MMC did not get into bed until 80% point, despite the insta-lust sort of situation.

The book also added details or introduced several future story leads, like Cal, who'll be the hero of book 3, and I have a feeling Jared will be the hero of book 4. 4.5/5

GRR Reviews Their Secret Bargain by Kay Lyons

Nick is the black sheep of the Tulane family full of doctors and lawyers, but he is a shrewd businessman running a fitness center and a bar. When his son Matt has problems in school, he needed to hire a tutor for the summer fast... // Jenn had been put down all her life by her family and her (now ex-) husband for being a full-figured woman, but she loved to teach. // The two made a bargain: she'll tutor Matt, and he'll train her to lose the pounds... For two months, up to her trip to Paradise Island. He, a gorgeous 6-pack hunk, can't possibly want a chubby girl, and she can't possibly fall for a high school dropout... right?

Eh, conflicting feelings for this one. Jenn's fine, but Nick... has mercurial moods. He had NEVER disclosed to his family (he's in his late 20's or early 30's?) that he's functionally illiterate, and grew apart from his family because he feels ashamed. So when Jenn insists that he show up at a family wedding, he decides to dare her to go with him. Eh? And it's not the first book I've read with the plot of MFC finds MMC with a learning disability, cured him and fixed his family problems. Still, the little details are not too bad. 3/5

GRR Reviews Matt by M S Parker

Matt had to get out of town after falling for the woman his brother Keith introduced him to, only for her to fall for his brother instead. As a Boston Banker, he's definitely out of place in the plains of South Dakota, when his car broke down. // Gabrielle just buried her father and has problems with one of her ranchhands Carl, and her foreman needs to retire soon. While patrolling her grounds she found Matt unconscious of heatstroke and rescued him. There's a connection between them, and he offered to help out since he needed to get away from it all anyway...

I really don't feel much for this, as Matt's ranch qualifications seem to be pretty minimal and a bit convoluted. And Carl never seemed to be much of a threat.  2.5/5

GRR Reviews Traded by Tess Thompson

Kara is a nurse in WITSEC after doing the right thing. She left everything behind, hoping for a fresh start. Brody is the SuperBowl winning QB coming home to rest and needed a nurse for his mom and his housekeeper / 2nd mom. So he hired her, and they slowly fell for each other. But he had a "no woman" rule after a bad breakup and she's full of secrets and refused ANY spotlight... Can this relationship ever work? 

The serendipity is strong in this, and the solution felt very "Gift of the Magi" -ish. But somehow I don't really think they click as a couple, as Brody just feels... schizophrenic... He's both not suspecting enough... AND too paranoid. At least there are no TSTL moments. 3/5

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GRR Reviews He Said Together by Ruth Cardello