GRR Review: Because of Lucy by Lisa Swallow

Because of Lucy explored the depths of how family obligations can tie in so many ways, and how it can put a damper on love, and it takes a special woman to love in spite of such hardships.

The story is about Evan, someone who's a master charmer with knowledge of literature and poetry, and Ness, one resistant to such charms, living in a university town but not going to school, stubbornly resisting the path set by her parents. As Ness finally get to know Evan, he had to leave because of someone called Lucy. Who was Lucy, and why does she have such a strong hold on Evan?

The twist was good, and emotions raw and powerful, if a bit long. I enjoyed it.

Category: Contemporary

Primary Plot:  Young woman resisting family obligations found a man she liked, but he keeps running off because of someone called Lucy...

Overall Rating:  4/5

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