GRR Review: Can't Help Falling In Love by Bella Andre

"Can't Help Falling In Love" by Bella Andre is a contemporary romance set in San Francisco. It is sweet, it is well polished, and it definitely enjoyable.

Gabe Sullivan is a firefighter that just saved Megan Harris and her daughter Suzy from a house fire in San Francisco. Gabe was injured in the rescue, so had to go to the hospital, and Megan felt bad that she visited him and brought cookies to the firehouse. Gabe was smitten, but Megan still hadn't gotten over her husband's death several years ago and can't deal with anyone in dangerous professions. But there is no denying that they can be good together... esp with a bit of prodding by Gabe's family and Megan's daughter Suzy...

Being a resident of San Francisco I enjoy books set in the city. Everything fits in this book. I guess my main... nit to pick with this book is the amount of... self-sabotage that counts as internal conflict, in that the woman basically destroys the relationship before it starts because of some... tilted perspective due to some old wound she had to work through, i.e. I've been hurt once, I'd rather not feel ANY happiness than to deal with the POSSIBLE pain that may come. That is just... illogical, but then, this is about love, and logic be (bleep)ed.

Category: Contemporary

Primary Plot: Widow with daughter can't deal with man in dangerous profession, but firefighter who rescued her wanted her anyway

Overall Rating:  4/5

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