GRR Review: Red Card by Lucy Blake


Red Card, an MFM romance, can be summarized as two fraternal twins going after the same lady reporter.

First problem was the cover. WHO made up that STUPID picture which had NOTHING to do with the book? The book is about SOCCER!!!!! Not American Football! And the two main stars are one white (well, Latino), one black! This sort of generic cover was stupid. I had hoped they'd have fixed this stupid cover, but really, it's a joke.

Second, I have no problem with MFM romance, but this book treats sports like a parody. The new sports network has the initials SIN? Hilarious. Then the keystone cop moment that ended book1? The trio escaped because they're next to the helipad and flew off in their helicopter while a dozen cruisers surrounded the estate. Doesn't anybody take down helo's tail numbers? Don't helos file flight plans and talk to towers? No! Let's just jump in and wave at the keystone cops! Nonsense situations like this are all over the three volumes.

And you pretty much know that in the three volumes, the girl will go from one, to the other then there's going to be a huge fight, and they'll make up. There's a twist at the end that I didn't see coming, but again, it's pretty much (bleep) sports, let's go do the most outrageous thing instead, MFM, on camera. For a sports romance to treat sports so cavalierly is just "bleh".

At least the creepy evil photog got his karma, and there are lots and lots of sex.

As for the bonus content? I hate dark romance, as there's always some non-con involved, and it's seriously mind (bleep). Viewer discretion is advised.

Category: Erotic romance

Primary Plot: Lady report falls for fraternal twins, both soccer stars on different teams

Overall Rating:  2/5

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