GRR Review: Water Skippers by Jennifer Julie Miller

Water Skippers by Jennifer Julie Miller is a fairy tale, not strictly a romance. Those expecting a standard romance will be disappointed, as there isn't much more emotion than "charmed affection", as there is virtually zero conflict in this novel except some violence at the beginning as setup.
Eden Riley was preyed upon by the robber baron in the Old West. When she resisted her advances, she was beaten and throw into the lake, but the water skippers saved her, kept her broken body still in time at the bottom of lake, but liberated her spirit, to help her heal. And forever since the lake was haunted. Generations later, a young man was told that he just inherited a cabin in the woods with a substantial fortune. When the young man took a ride on his horse and discovered the lake... he also discovered Eden, in her incorporeal form. She found him irresistible, having been out of human contact for so long... And he is a kind soul. Eden and the young man slowly established a relationship... but what secrets are they hiding from each other?
There really wasn't that much of a struggle, with little emotional stakes or conflict. The young man is rich and other than his seemingly insane obsession over a spirit in the lake, he's a perfectly normal guy despite his family history. Same with Eden, who is basically girl out of time, all good. Everything just... happens, and nothing's really stopping them. It's sweet, and that's about it. It's a very charming tale, but as a romance, it's merely mediocre.

Category: Paranormal

Primary Plot: Young man inherited mountain cabin, found lake with spirit of a young woman inside, they fell in love...

Trope: different worlds, fated mate, boy meets girl

Overall rating: 3/5 (rounded up from 2.5/5)

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