GRR Review Hearts in Harmony (Five Senses series B by Gemma Brocato

Hearts in Harmony is an excellent example of how to fit both a schtick (one of the five senses in the author's series) as well as a proper romantic suspense in a small town setting while not making the book too long or too cliche.

FMC Pippa Sanders lost her husband in the war when she just learned she was pregnant... with twins. Six years later, she's a music therapist and singer, but kept away from any men, sacrificing her happiness to protect her children... Until she ran into Clay Mathers, who saved her from harassment by Dewey, a protester at a soldier's funeral.  Clay Mathers was just in town to help his mother. And he knew that the town of Granite Pointe may be target of a domestic terrorist group... and one of its leaders, Dewey, had an old grudge with Clay. Clay started off on the wrong foot with Pippa, but soon won her over by being the perfect father the twins never had. But he was only in town for a little while... or not? And why is Dewey after Pippa?

The attraction between Clay and Pippa is hot as they have to sneak around the kids, and obviously, there are going to be disapproval from certain parties. There were attempts to make Dewey a slightly more sympathetic character by giving some reasons for his behavior but it also managed to make him that much more UNlikable. Pippa is a strong-willed woman with some quick thinking.

My problem is with Clay, who was supposedly an ex-marine and security consultant, yet his hand-to-hand combat skills seem quite rusty, as the "gun takeaway" was one of the basic skills taught at marine boot camp as a part of MCMAP. Instead, he justs did not fight at all and allow himself to be captured.

Category: romantic suspense

Primary Plot: Man must protect widow w/ twins from harm; why is a militia group after her?

Overall Rating:  5/5

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