GRR Reviews Stranded with the Cyborg (Cy-Ops Sci-fi by Cara Bristol

Stranded with the Cyborg relied on some utter stupidity and a terrorist with a WTF agenda to enforce the "forced proximity" to turn enemies into lovers. It's full of tropes, and it could have been much better if it made a bit more sense.

To recap, Brock Mann has an impossible assignment, even though as an operative with Cyber Ops, he specialized in the impossible, with his various cybernetic enhancements. The problem is he was tasked to babysit a diplomat... someone he knew from ten years ago when he was working security... then first-daughter Penelope Isabella Aaron, aka PIA (or Pain in ***). She was so mad at him for his diligence ("interference" to her), she framed him for sexual misconduct (with her), though he was eventually cleared and reassigned. Now she's an ambassador he needed to escort to a summit, but threats have already been issued against her. When the trip took a very bad turn and they crashed on a quarantined planet, he may be her only chance to stay alive...

To explain the problem, I'll have to spoil the story.



Anyway, Brock and Penny were the only passengers on this special charter, which was supposed to have three crew: Captain, Steward, and Engineer. Only the captain greeted them, and when Steward never returned, Captain ordered a take off anyway. Then Captain turned out to be the assassin and only Brock's incredible speed saved the day. All the crew was dead, and Captain took the lifeboat. Brock was able to reprogram the ship so it reached the planet before it self-destructed.

Okay, what sort of elite security guy is Brock if he can't even check the crew manifest? Just a single glance should have told him that this wasn't his regular crew onboard the ship. Also, what's the point of killing the Terran ambassador? The message the terrorist asked the ambassador to read before killing her made no sense. There were also problems of this "lake of acid" that somehow looks just like water (with no smell, and you can skip stones on it) Why the planet was quarantined also wasn't discussed clearly.

If you ignore all these "wait a minute" issues, it's actually a pretty competent scifi "bodyguard" romance, but with all the problems, it can only be average.

Category: Scifi

Primary Plot: Elite cyborg operative had to save an ambassador from assassins and ended up stranded on a quarantined planet

Tropes: woman in peril, protector, evil enemies, forced proximity, conspiracy

Overall Rating:  3/5

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