GRR Reviews The Seven Steps to Closure by Donna Joy Usher

The Seven Steps to Closure is about finding peace (and ability to love) after a devastating loss (being dumped). The story is a bit about finding love in all the wrong places, or perhaps, not finding any.

Tara had broken up with her husband over a year ago, but with him in the news constantly, now engaged to her cousin Tash, and running for Lord Mayor of Sydney, she's somehow NOT over him yet. Her three best friends staged an intervention... The "Closure in Seven Easy Steps" protocol clipped from Cosmo. The first few are easy enough. She got a makeover, got a hobby, had a one-night stand, and traveled to exotic location... India! But will she find her closure upon her return?

A bit British in the humor (it's set in Australia, of course!) including a few more pratfalls than you'd expect, and the travels in India was really specific (but still funny), it's chick lit with a bite. If you don't like British humor, it'd be

Category: Contemporary

Primary Plot: Can the woman who was dumped by her (now ex-) fiancee get closure by going through the 7-step program? How about love?

Tropes: bucket list, scars

Overall Rating:  4/5

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