GRR Reviews Colorado Golden Sunrise (Peakview) by Jill Haymaker

Colorado Golden Sunrise is a nice small town romance between two unlikely characters, but the darkest hour wasn't really that dark, and the resolution came from a double-mind-flip that feels way too convenient.

Kelly Charm can't stand her hometown of Prarie Nebraska anymore. She's divorced, and her ex has remarried and a new baby's on the way. She, however, needs to stay in town and raise her teenage son Ethan. When an ad about a hardware / general store manager in the tiny town of picturesque Peakview, Colorado came across her search, she had to apply and make it a vacation with son Ethan. // Jake Midnight is Peakview's EMT, and he had been alone for 20 years, after a horrible marriage. He gets by with his menagerie of horses, dogs, cats, and even two pigmy goats. When Ethan had an asthma attack in Peakview, not used to the thin air, Jake came to know Kelly and Ethan, and Jake was furious: how can a parent let an asthmatic kid come to 9000 ft up w/o an inhaler?! And Kelly was furious at Jake for making assumptions about a single parent. But they secretly admire each other... But when Ethan was not quite happy in Peakview, is there a happily ever after between Jake and Kelly?

To explain the problem I have to spoil the ending.




The kid Ethan has no personality. At first he's okay with the move to Colorado. "I want you to be happy, mom". Then after a trip back to visit "dad" who apparently promised a car and more, and after a girl in Colorado dumped him Ethan wants to leave. And Kelly is like "If my son goes I go too." Then Ethan decided he's too selfish and flipped again "It's okay mom, I'll stay." Sheesh!!!!!

Category: Contemporary

Primary Plot: Woman had to leave her ex and his new family behind and took a job in Colorado, encountered hunky but hostile EMT guy...

Overall Rating: 4/5

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