GRR Reviews Far From Falling: Summer at Falling Pine by K.D. Garcia

Far From Falling did manage to build up the tension about an impossible situation for two star-crossed lovers, but the deus ex machina left me underwhelmed.

Paige's best (male) friend Luke is leaving soon for a job in Lake Placid as a physical trainer, but he'll be around the camp until that day comes. Paige can never leave her grandma and her youth camp, even as the camp is in dire financial straits with more and more things that needed fixing, doing, cleaning, etc.. Paige thought she was taking a summer to help out, but that was five years ago, and her dream of going to nursing school is a distant memory. Luke's departure may be the final straw... // Luke and Paige share a secret connection... Luke is deaf and he often communicates with Paige via ASL only. Luke learned to be a great physical trainer and the opportunity at Lake Placid was too good to pass up, but leaving Paige is also unbearable. Can they admit to each other they love each other as far more than friends? Can Paige be a bit more selfish for herself?

The ending is a deus ex machina... Grandma told her to go because she already lined up someone else to help out after Paige's departure (which leads into 2nd book in the series). Sheesh. Clearly, the two are not communicating much, despite working side by side for YEARS. Imagine all those implied guilt.

Category: Contemporary

Primary Plot: Can a woman admit she loved her best friend before he leaves for good in order to get the best job of his life?

Overall Rating: 3/5

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