GRR Reviews Hard Crush by Mira Lyn Kelly

Hank is a genius geek that left his town and his love behind, when Abby can't/won't go. Ten years later, Hank is back in town, and Abby is still there, teaching in the school where they met for the first time. However, Hank is now running a science and tech firm and he needs to be overseeing projects in person which means globetrotting more often than not... and Abby... still can't/won't leave town. Moreover, Abby doesn't want to hold Hank back then or now. However, Hank is not ready to give up Abby again...

Feels a lot shorter than the 267 pages, there's quite a bit of back and forth, as they kinda got back into it, then they had to discuss the elephant in the room (i.e., he's leaving) and no, she can't / won't go with him. You can guess at the solution. It's sweet, but not much else.

Category: Contemporary

Primary Plot: The couple never really resolved their problems, even 10 years later...

Overall Rating: 3/5

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