GRR Reviews Westward Justice by Linda Bridey

Westward Justice tried for a tough female character in the old West, but the evil really made no sense. and the ending didn't quite come together.

Deputy Mitch became sheriff when the old sheriff dropped dead of a heart attack. He wanted a wife for himself, and he took out an ad for a mail-order bride. What he got was Sammi... the toughest woman around, wore pants and guns, and carried a collection of guns and knives, and fought better than most men. But Sammi carried a dark past that she never talks about... Can Mitch and Sammi get past their wounds and admit their love, even as a band of thieves stole Sammi's belongings, and Sammi vowing revenge?

The bad guy didn't make sense, as his motivation was just never explained, and the ending really was spread over many pages that took a while to finish all the threads. I wanted to like it better, but in the end, it was merely average.

Category: Historical Western

Primary Plot: Sheriff looking for a Mail-Order Bride got toughest lady gunfighter in the West instead...

Overall Rating: 3/5

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