GRR Reviews The Handbook by H.P. Mallory

Nikki was having a bad time in school when her long-time boyfriend finally called it quits. Finding a notebook in the library labelled "The Femme Fatale Handbook" however, had her revive her hopes of becoming the ultimate seductress... and the yummy professor Derek, rumored to be in trouble for sleeping with a student, is definitely worth seducing... // Derek doesn't have to teach, and he doesn't do students, just his T/A, once during break. However, Derek never got along with the dean, so it's just an excuse to discipline him. Nikki is sharp and feisty, but she's just an undergrad. Then she turned Derek down... That just got him more interested...

Not bad, the "femme fatale" book is fictional but quite realistic in its "self-help" advice. The sharp wit in debating virtues of women in literature is great, and when the girls go out and practice their seduction techniques that was funny, if a bit cliche. The book does end on an HEA, but not quite the way you think.

Category: Contemporary

Overall Rating: 4.5/5

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