GRR Reviews The Slam by Haleigh Lovell

Ender and Edric Hemsworth are tennis semi-pros and notorious playboys living in their retired aunt's house in Northern California. When their aunt, currently residing in Australia, sent them Adelaide, who would be attending UC Berkeley, they were not prepared. When they departed Australia years ago, Adelaide was a tomboy who will get into the mud with them. Adelaide is also a high-functioning Aspie. But the Adelaide that arrived at SFO was both same, yet different... she's a beautiful young woman whose lack of social grace is both charming and frustrating... // Adelaide never let her condition stop her from life. She will study the situation ahead of time and prepare adequate responses, which more often than not, goes off script with unintentionally hilarious results. Things got a bit awkward (but not for her) when she enlists Ender as her social coach while she'll be Ender's tennis coach. When she wants something, she will go after it, social graces notwithstanding, and that includes... sex. After all, that's what college kids do, right?

Adelaide is very much like "Data" on Star Trek: The Next Generation. Both characters are innocent, with a lack of social graces, but enough to recognize the cues to silence or divert yet takes things very literally. And yes, both are, shall we say, "fully functional". I don't know if the description is "right on", as I don't know any high-functioning aspies myself (I could be one for all I know) but it sounds plausible. And that makes for a good rom-com.

Category: Contemporary

Overall Rating: 5/5

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