GRR Reviews Renegade Ridge by Arabella Steedly

Jake's prized barrel racing mare was injured, and he needs a vet stat! He got the new vet in town, Vanessa Hart... and he's not happy, but for his mare, he'll do anything... Including kissing up to Vanessa... but he has a troubled past...  And he owes the local loan shark quite a bit of money... And he had to do favors (as a bill collector) to delay the payments. // Vanessa had to get away from the big cities when it became too... dangerous to stay. Falling for a cowboy was not a part of the plan, but she can definitely use a protector... But a protector who also roughs people up?

Seems there were a couple unresolved plot points, which marred what's otherwise a competent book.

Category: Contemporary / Western / Romantic suspense

Overall Rating: 3/5

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