GRR Reviews The Fix by Sylvie Stewart

Laney is a single parent who's doing "okay". Scratch that. Her job is a snooze-fest. Her son's misbehaving. Her free-loading brother doesn't' seem to be moving out anytime soon. And the hottest guy she ever laid eyes on, Nate, is a total ***.  // Nate moved back home to help his mom take care of things at a single phone call, because that's what a responsible guy like him does. But it was a bit overwhelming. Seeing the sweetest woman watching him completely lose his **** was not his plan to making a great first impression. But he's definitely going to FIX the situation...

Part sit-com, part romance with some good setup situations, and once they finally got together, hot sex, you should like the setup that does NOT overtly rely on the typical male/female tropes. 4/5

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