GRR Reviews The Geeky Billionaire by Karly Stratford

Billionaire geek and game developer Jimmy Martin is at Coconut Island Resort to get everybody playing his game H2O. The fact that his game also helps developer actual water systems using limited resources (just like the game) was secondary. But his eyes are on the non-gamer hiding in background, Caroline... a woman different from all the golddiggers that wanted a piece of him... // Caroline is at the resort because her brother guilted her into it. Getting hit on by the nerd, who actually knows Jane Austen, and is actually quite charming, was a surprise. But having gotten away from a terrible gamer BF, Caroline wasn't ready to try again. But Jimmy won her over. // Their bliss lasted until tragedy struck Caroline's brother, and Jimmy's enemy insinuated that Jimmy's VR test rig may be the cause. Now they have to see if they can actually learn the truth, or let impressions ruin their HEA.

The tech is mostly there. Don't see major holes until they started crashing and had to roll back the version. The bad guy was just creepy, not really that dangerous. And Jimmy, but all his geekitude and business acumen, seems to be merely hormone driven when it comes to his nemesis. 4/5

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