GRR Reviews His Little Wife Lie by Sloan Storm

Lily finally conceded to her manager's demand to accept a date from his nephew. But it's the third date and the guy's just creepy. When he tried to force her on the forest trail, she ran, and Griff ended up saving her. But Griff has other plans for her. Griff is actually a rich billionaire heir, but his grandpa just pulled a weird will on him: get married, or the company will be liquidated and assets donated. Griff needs to find a wife quick, and the only suitable candidate seems to be Lily. But will Lily go along?

Griff is both smart and TSTL at the same time. Falling for the "can I wait inside" trick was just unforgivable for someone who managed a billion-dollar company. Playing detective and track down the bait was pretty good. But the serendipity was... a bit too coincidental.  2.5/5

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