GRR Reviews Accidental Knight by Nicole Snow

Bella was shocked to find that her grandpa, upon his death, had left the entire family fortune, including the ranch and the oil company, to her, not to her parents. She was even more shocked when grandpa's companion / bodyguard Drake had tricked her into signing a marriage certificate, thus binding them for life. She can't trust anyone, esp. not her parents, and not even Drake, her shadow everywhere. For the vultures are already circling. A rival, Jupiter Oil wants to buy, and her parents are eager to sell. But she's not contemplating any offers until she figures out what's going on... // Drake knew he's there for a reason... to bring down the evil Jupiter Oil, for the owner covered for his suspected serial killer son for too long. This predator preys upon native American women on reservations, usually near one of the Jupiter job sites, and Drake lost someone VERY close to him. He agreed to be a part of the final gambit to bring down Jupiter, and to protect Bella with his life, if necessary. Tricking her into marriage is a part of her grandpa's plan, really, but he can't tell her that. But the evil men have a plan too...

Wow, that's a lot of twists and turns, and the parents turn out to be NOT total douchebags, which is quite an accomplishment. One thing I don't like was the TSTL moment, which was a romance trope. As it's always that TSTL moment that causes the darkest hour. Still, this book overwhelmed that flaw with brilliant plotting and characterization. 5/5

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