GRR Review Best Fake Fiance by Roxie Noir

Daniel suddenly learned one day he's a father, when the baby's mother was arrested. He changed his life around for his daughter, Rusty, and raised her best he could. Six years later, baby's mother suddenly wanted to contest for custody after marrying a rich guy. In an act of desperation, Daniel lied that he's engaged. And the only person who can play his fiance is his best platonic friend, Charlotte aka "Charlie", who already loves his daughter, and loves him... Just not "that way". But they can pretend, right? Until the news of their engagement spread. What started out as a white lie quickly turned into a fake engagement, then fake marriage... then it felt very real indeed...

Good escalation from lie to a judge to lie to a few friends to lie to an entire town to "just make it real". However, it seems both Charlie and Daniel can't lie to save their life except in front of a judge (?!)  And I STILL don't understand why have a custody battle at all? What's the "evil ex"'s motivation? 4/5

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