GRR Reviews Curves for the Billionaire by Gia Blackwood

NOTE: 91-page novella

Jane had been trying to get away from her evil ex Gavin for years, and he just found her again. With no escape, she took a chance on approaching the alpha-looking guy on the street corner... Who turned out to be billionaire Halcyon "Hal" Craft, who insta-lusted after her BBW figure that he almost immediately pledged to protect her from her ex. But he also suspects that his current troubles are caused by Gavin, so by helping Jane, he's also helping himself. And he'll up the ante by proclaiming to the public that Jane is his fiancee... AND destroy Gavin.

There really isn't much plot to the novel, as Jane basically plays hard-to-get (unintentionally, but nonetheless, feeling sorry for herself and kept thinking "Hal can't POSSIBLY want a fat chick like me") until Hal destroyed Gavin (via mostly talking, in third-person) and Jane finally believed him. Meh. And PLEASE hire a better Photoshop (tm) person to make the cover. That composite really sucks. 2.5/5

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