GRR Reviews The Hopeful Bride by Kimberly Krey

Bear is the head lumberjack for Big Daddy Mills, an eco-friendly logging company that had always pushed for eco-friendly logging. But he's tired of being in the spotlight, and his partner, Christine, the other partner's daughter, plays hot and cold, sorta his girlfriend, sort of not. He yearns for the simple times, back at Cobble Creek, with his first love, Maddie... So he went back... // Maddie, a school teacher for the school she went to once, can't believe Bear is back in town, and apparently wooing her. But Christine seems to haunt him... Is Bear really serious, or was it all just an act?

Didn't feel much for this one. Christine's motivation is clear as mud, even at the end. And Maddie did the romantic trope: ran far away before giving him a chance to explain. At least the grand gesture is pretty darn grand... On National TV. 3/5

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