GRR Reviews Mail Order Misfit by Jenna Brandt

Cara became an orphan when her mother was killed, and somehow, her father was found guilty of her murder and hung. Being a fiery red-headed Irish lass that no one in town would touch, she had no choice but to accept a mail-order bride offer out to the Dakota territories. When a man tried to force himself on her, she defended her honor by threatening him with her knife. But when he turned it around and accused her of trying to rob him, she did not hesitate to jump off the train... // James, former Army scout, had built up a respectable life for his family... but when his wife died, leaving three children behind, he must find another wife. After rescuing his intended from the wilderness (she jumped from the train), and have her acclimated to his children, James was surprised to see Cara arrested for a crime she did not commit... James was determined to find the truth... and get his wife back... by chasing down the man responsible...

No plot-holes other than Cara looking guilty by running from the law. But the motivation is actually understandable. She doesn't trust the law as far as she's concerned.  It was nice how the whole thing ties together. I find the ending a bit too quick and convenient though. 4.5/5

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