GRR Reviews Eight-one Nights by Georgia Cates

NOTE: Somewhat of a cliffhanger

Catriona, aka "Cate", is barely making enough to get by in Scotland as a student and part-time waitress. Her roommate introduced her to Inamorata, a discrete service agency where she can provide companion services. And Cate met Maxwell, who still can't get over his wife's death. Maxwell wants to try the whole "girlfriend experience"... Cate will be available to him 24/7  for 81 days (when summer ends), and what he paid, even minus the "management fee" will be enough for Cate to finish her degree. She gave him a new nickname, "Hutch". Can she be his girlfriend without giving him her heart?

This is basically the drama version of "Pretty Woman", and the author even admits to having recycled scenes and paragraphs from her previous works. AND it's got a cliffhanger where you have to find out of they get a HEA in the sequel. 2.5/5

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