GRR Reviews A Christmas Kiss by Susan Hatler

Harper is a divorce attorney trying to help her client move on from her sleazy boyfriend who spends all her money and yells about not getting enough "support". But her own outlook on life was marred by a betrayal back in law school. When her client wanted to accept her BF's attempt at reconciliation, she's completely exasperated, and when a vacation cabin became available, and her relatives aren't available for Christmas, she had to get away... // Gabriel is a divorce attorney who believed everyone should have a second chance. Sure he has to deal with opposing counsel Harper, but if there's a chance, it should be taken. But he also needed time to get away. Things look depressing when the cabin was double-booked and he had to spend a week with Harper... As neither would move out. Could these two "enemies" achieve an understanding, and share some Holiday magic?

A bit shorter than the author's other works, it nonetheless has a lot of heart despite being a rom-com. OTOH, the darkest hour just feels extremely... forced. Even the FMC acknowledged later she was being totally unreasonable. 4/5

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