GRR Reviews Loving the Boss by Agnes Canestri

Eleni took the furthest job she can find: dance instructor at a remote tropical resort, to get away from the heartbreak of her cheating fiancee. While Matteo, the dive manager, is handsome, she's not ready for another relationship. Besides, while she can dive, she never wanted to again... Not after what happened to her mother... // Matteo wants his own diving school, and he needs to both ace his job AND find "The Pearl" a fabled dive spot that all signs pointed to being nearby, but no one had found yet. Finding that would cement his reputation. He had no time for distractions such as Eleni.  // When Eleni was transferred to work with Matteo, they can't avoid each other anymore. But when the rich Russian guest Nikolai wanted Eleni in his bed, what will she do? And what will Matteo do about it?

Was this translated? A lot of word usage is really weird, like "animation team" for staff that deals with the guests, or use the term "rubbish" which is more Brit-speak (Americans prefer the term "garbage"). The characters are nicely layered, but the plotting and pacing could use a little help. 3.5/5

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