GRR Reviews Nowhere Left to Fall by Kat Mizera

NOTE: Ends on an HFN, but the story continues for 2 more volumes.

Tariq, better known as "Erik", is rich, and technically a prince, but his father abdicated to marry a commoner and moved to the US, leaving Erik's uncle as king, and it seems his cousin may be ascending the throne one day... which may force the country into civil war as he's courting the religious right and possibly dissolve parliament. But Erik is just a diplomat playboy... Until he met Casey, rockstar. But her band is dissolving, and she's left with not much to do. Falling for each other was never the plan. Yet they did.  But when his cousin did the unthinkable, Erik will have to do the unthinkable as well to save his love...

Good twists and turns, if a bit cliche plotting to set up the next two volumes. The motivation for the bad guy was never really discussed, and the plot seems to move at a very leisurely rate. 3.5/5

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