GRR Reviews Come Undone by Crystal kaswell

Alyssa had to leave her last TV show when she fainted, suffering from bulimia as a result of binge-eating and purging cycles. Her boyfriend Ryan, who had taken care of her before, got her to rehab, and she is now okay... But Ryan refuses to let her act again, claiming she has no self-control. Alyssa also met Luke, Ryan's wilder, more passionate law partner, who doesn't like the way Ryan treats Alyssa (more like a pet than a girlfriend). But Alyssa already accepted the engagement ring from Ryan, and he did save her... right? But Luke refused to sit back, even as Alyssa grew a spine and got back into acting... and Ryan retreated into 80-hour work weeks...

While a part of a three-book series, this novel can be read alone. I like the overall feel, but I didn't like the way Ryan or Luke were set up. Ryan basically has NO redeeming qualities other than he got Alyssa to rehab, but that's a one-time event, which he used as a hammer to beat her down again and again while using her as his show-piece (on his arm at social events), as if he owned her for life "for her own good". In the meanwhile, Luke (or Lucas) is the white knight who will save her from her dreary existence under Ryan's thumb with great sex and more. If there were more nuances in the two MMC I'd give this a higher score. 3.5/5

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