GRR Review: The Cheyenne Mail order Bride Dream by Iris Kelly

Cheyenne Mail Order Bride managed to put a new spin on the mail order bride genre, and provide some real character growth for both MMC and FMC.

Virginia Bellamy is an ambitious socialite that find hunting grounds in Boston scarce, so when an offer for a bride for a local rich named Lewis Carlyle in Cheyenne Wyoming she answered it with gusto . Unfortunately, prior to Virginia's arrival (but already enroute) Two calamitous events left Lewis a pauper. Lewis is honorable that he immediately released her from her vow so she can accept any suitor in Cheyenne, and indeed, there are many, some even richer than Lewis. And Lewis will provide for her any way possible until she finds a new groom, and Virginia should just marry the most eligible bachelor in town... But she was still smitten with Lewis...

I enjoy the calmer circumstances and the character growth as Virginia realized that perhaps the life she had chased was not necessarily the life she really wanted. And the same with Lewis. It just feel sa little unrealistic, but then, romances often do, right?

Category: Historical Western

Primary Plot: Mail order bride arrived in town, only to find the man she was to marry is now a pauper. He freed her from the vow, but she liked the honorable but now poor guy...

Overall Rating:  4/5

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