We're coming up at 1000th post, and 1000th review here on GuyReviewsRomance!

This will be the 999th post on this blog. And with 6 more reviews coming down the pipeline today, that will mark the 1000th post and 1000th review made by Guy Reviews Romance!

This also marks a tempo change in the blog. I am getting close to posting all of my backlog reviews, so starting Monday, the publishing schedule will be reduced to two reviews per day, instead of six. There will be occasional "theme days" where I'll post more than two a day for reviews of the same genre, like "romantic suspense" or "paranormal" and so on, but those will be the exception, rather than the rule.

I really do read every one of these books (unless it was utter garbage, and that'd be in the review itself) and I've enjoyed a majority of them. I hope you've enjoyed my blog and here's to another thousand reviews!

You can also find me reviewings books (and more) on Amazon.

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