GRR Reviews Midnight in Legend, TN by Magdalena Scott

Midnight (yes, that's her name) is starting over, away from the hustle and bustle, her cheating husband, from city life. When a two-story brick building in Legend TN caught her eye, she decided to move to the tiny town... and witnessed the struggle the locals are going through. Being a marketing manager, she has some ideas on how to fix that, but she can't fix her real estate agent, Martin McClain... // Martin McClain and his family had been in town for generations, and he wants to preserve the town. Midnight rattled him... She seems to want to change everything, and he can't be sure of her motivations... But together, they will make this special festival work, and perhaps, they can finally understand each other, for the town's sake if not their own...

Didn't feel much for this one. While the small town has the charms, the romance itself didn't quite flow right. Didn't feel the chemistry.

Category: Contemporary

Primary Plot: Small town is charming, but didn't feel much chemistry between the two main characters

Overall Rating: 3/5

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