GRR Reviews Repercussions by B L Olson

Annie knew all along she's a klutz and a hot mess (and no men would want her). She tolerates her best "roommates" meddling in her life, trying to "encourage" her and to set her up.  Meeting next door neighbor Wyatt, however, not in the best of circumstances, esp. when she was straddling a fence, when her thong got stuck on it, and she can't free herself without looking like, uh, you know... (ahem). Both are scarred in various ways... Wyatt fled his previous job and life to escape the torment, and Annie had to deal with her own issues. But together, they are stronger...

For a debut novel, this is excellent. The relationship is believable and builds up slowly. Two minor nitpicks: Grandma Hazel falls into the 'wild oldster" trope, and the darkest hour was a mix between hurt/comfort and "bitter reminder / run away to sort my feelings". But really, Annie, you're such a klutz that you tripped and fell over a cliff? Tsk, tsk. 4.5/5

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