GRR Reviews Hers to Kiss by Eliza Ellis

"Keke" has graduated college, and before going to the dance audition to start her new life, she's home to help her best friend's failing campground... which is when sorta noticed a new gorgeous hunk... Only to realize this is "Petey", her best friend's little brother, now all grown up. And Keke had promised with her best friend to never date siblings... // Petey is 19, and he's about to launch his own career against his father's objections (Why are you playing videogames again!? You should be studying to get into Cornell!) In the meanwhile, he's spending time with beautiful Keke, but she's determined to keep him at arm's length, and only as "best friend's little brother". But both families have secrets, and when all are revealed, nobody will be the same...

Sweet with a heavy dose of family drama. It has some good moments, and all motivations are logical. 4.5/5

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