GRR Review: Checked by Jennifer Jamelli

Checked by Jennifer Jamelli is hard to review, as the first-person narrative from the POV character, Callie, is very personal. Callie has some mental problems, and those who don't understand would just think she's "nuts".

Callie has a form of paranoia and obsessive/compulsive disorder that includes songs stuck in her head, and the only way she can cope is to avoid all human touch except family members that she knew to be "clean". She always stays near the exit to avoid inadvertent touches and have rituals for morning and evening and every part of life to cope. The only person that seems to get her is her new therapist, Dr. Blake. Slowly he tried to draw her out of her shell of existence through exposure therapy, and they may have even fallen in love... 

Told from the first person, this reads very strangely at first, but once you "get it", it would be exactly how an OCD person would sound if you can hear their thoughts. The problem is this book ended on sort of a cliffhanger that felt extremely unsatisfying, even though it made sense. For those who don't "get" it, this book can be extremely boring. I did get it, but the unsatisfactory ending made me cringe.

Category: Contemporary

Primary Plot: OCD / Paranoid but high-functioning young woman fell for her new handsome therapist

Overall Rating:  3/5

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